Tag Archives: TFS

Team Foundation Server 2012 Update #2 installation

I decided to upgrade our production instance of Team Foundation Server 2012 with Update #2 fairly fast after its release since we are starting a new sprint on monday and we have been waiting for some of the new features.

I had done some research beforehand, and Update #1 installation went without any problems whatsoever so I felt fairly confident that it would be quite easy this time around as well. Ofcourse I checked if all my automatic back-ups had run, and that was the case.

I started the installation and file copied fine, but then I started the upgrade wizard and was greeted by the message described in the following connect bug report: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/780985

Luckily I had my documentation in order and could use the work around no problem. But no “Next, next, next” installation as promised. Also this bug was reported in CTP #4 and didn’t get fixed for the RTM…. BAD MICROSOFT

So before you upgrade, make sure you write down the settings you need for the upgrade procedure:

– SQL server name
– Analysis server name
– Reporting server name
– Reporting server accounts

Things I fixed today #3

Issue 3: Problems accessing TFS’s Analysis Server from Excel

One of my co-workers wanted to use the “Create Report in Microsoft Excel” feature from the Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2012. However, once Excel had started, he was presented with the following error:

TF208056: An error occurred while the command was accessing the Analysis Services database Tfs_analysis on the server xxxxxx.

This happens because my co-worker’s machine is located in another domain, and the server name was not a FQDN server name. To fix this, I had to change the TFS Reporting configuration and set the SQL Server property to the FQDN.

First go to the TFS Administration console on your server:

Go to Reporting and then click the Edit button. You will be presented with a dialog stating that the jobs will be disabled. When you click Ok, the actual configuration screen appears:

Go to the Analysis Services tab and enter the FQDN of the SQL Server. You will have to enter the password for the data access account before you can hit the Ok button. After you hit Ok please be patient because it might take a few minutes before the dialog will disappear. After it has disappeared you should start the warehouse and analysis jobs again with the button on the TFS Administration page described above.

It can take a while before the change is visible on all clients.