Problems with OAuth Access Token encryption and decryption using Microsoft.OWIN hosted in IIS.

If you want to secure access to your WebAPI calls, a mechanism you can use is OAuth2 Bearer tokens. These tokens are generated via a login call for instance, and the website or mobile app can hold on to this token to authenticate with the server. These tokens can be generated using Microsoft’s OWIN implementation (also known as Katana).

These tokens have an expiration date. After that date you won’t accept the token obviously. However there are also some situations that can occur where the token can’t even be decrypted.

First of all, the default way of encrypting the token when you host the Owin/Katana in your own process (HttpListener or otherwise) is different from when it is being hosted in IIS using the SystemWeb host (which is a separate NuGet package btw). The former uses the DPAPI to protect the tokens, while the latter uses ASP.NET’s machine key data protection. There is also the option of providing your own provider/format.

I am currently only familiar with the SystemWeb host under IIS, and we recently ran into some problems after updating our software and moving it to another machine. See, we had these mobile devices who registered with our WebAPI service and stored a token which should not expire. However, after the update we found the tokens would not decrypt anymore and our users were presented with a security error, which meant they had to reregister the device with our software.

We quickly found out that we forgot to set the machine key in our web.config so encryption on the new server was different than the old one. However after configuring our web.config to use the same machine key as the old server tokens were still not being decrypted.

After a lot of searching it turned out that Microsoft.Owin 3.0.1 will not decrypt tokens created by Microsoft.Owin 3.0.0. As soon as we downgraded all our Microsoft.Owin packages back to 3.0.0 version it worked again.

To make a long story short:

Make sure both machine key and Microsoft.Owin versions stay the same if you want your tokens to keep working after an update of your software. Otherwise you find out the hard way why you should probably have used your own token encryption/decryption scheme in the first place. Our next order of business is finding a way to update our Microsoft.Owin version in the future without breaking our current user’s device registrations.

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